Two women having a web meeting
Option 1

Work with a coach

A coach in our RJUC coaching network can walk you through all of your scores and help you to process the content. To schedule with a coach:

  1. Pick a coach: Browse our coach directory.
  2. Submit a proposal: Click "Submit a proposal" to request a meeting (online or in-person). Include "Full Personal Assessment Review" as an add-on.
  3. Coach will contact you: If the coach is available, they will contact you to schedule a coaching session.
  4. Discuss your report: The coach will review your scores and help you think through action steps for progress. You can schedule additional conversations, if you like.
  5. Coach will send your report: The coach will send you access to the full version of your Personal Assessment Report.
Man pointing to a computer screen while making a point
Option 2

Work with the RJUC

Our RJUC team members can help your organization (e.g. church, college, K-12 school, ministry) to develop and implement a plan for providing your members and/or employees with their Full Assessment Report results. We can equip qualified individuals within your organization to provide our assessments and Full Assessment Reports. Please contact us for details.