Group of people talking


We occasionally facilitate gatherings where RJUC Coaches can learn how to use the RJUC assessment tools, connect with other coaches, and grow in their coaching skills. We limit the number of registrants to 30 maximum to make the time more relational and personalized. We meet for discussion-oriented workshops from 9am to 5pm each day, with lunch and occasional breaks. We also organize a group dinner at a local restaurant for those who want to join (see below). The cost is $250 which includes two light breakfasts, two catered lunches, and snacks. Participants are required to arrange their housing accommodations (see below). Please contact us to learn about upcoming dates and how to register.

"The time spent with the RJUC team was incredibly valuable. We got valuable information about the RJUC Assessment which we plan to use, but you also cared deeply for our souls particularly through the devotionals, the time you spent listening to our story, and your obvious caring about how we were each actually doing. I left the two days with the RJUC Team encouraged and rejuvenated (rather than drained and exhausted which is often the case in situations like this). They asked great questions, gently prodded us to think more deeply, and listened to all we shared with compassion and obvious concern. We left our days with the RJUC Team refreshed and rejuvenated." - Comment by a participant
Trainings meeting room

Location and parking

We meet in a large conference room in the Dublin Library which is a part of the Bridge Park District of Columbus, Ohio. There is a large parking garage connected to the library with free parking.


Participants can stay at any hotel they prefer. There are several local hotels available with discounts. Hotwire also frequently offers highly discounted rooms in the area. We recommend that participants reserve rooms for at least two nights, including the night before the training begins.

Trainings location

Airport and transportation

Our meeting location is 23 miles from the Columbus International Airport (CMH). There are many transportation options available from the airport to our meeting location including rental cars, Lyft, Uber, and taxis.

Dinners at local restaurants

Just steps away from where we meet, there are many excellent, unique restaurants including rooftop dining at Mezzo Restaurant and a fun variety of global foods at the North Market. Each night of the training, it is likely that a group of coaches will go out to one or more of the restaurants. It's a great opportunity to connect with other coaches. The cost for the optional dinner is not included in the registration fee.

Coach Trainings Q&A

Here is some additional information. If we don't address a question you have, please contact us.

Do you have to be a current RJUC coach to attend?

No, we also encourage individuals who are considering becoming RJUC coaches to attend.

What does the schedule typically look like?

Day 1

9:00 am Welcome, introductions, and devotional
10:00 am Understanding the RJUC Personal Assessment (sections, scores, etc.)
12:00 pm Catered lunch, small group exercise
2:00 pm Best practices for using the RJUC Personal Assessment with individuals
4:00 pm Role play, processing, Q&A
6:00 pm-ish Optional dinner at a local restaurant

Day 2

9:00 am Introduction and devotional
10:00 am Understanding the RJUC Organization Assessment (sections, scores, etc.)
12:00 pm Catered lunch, small group exercise
2:00 pm Best practices for using the RJUC Organization Assessment
4:00 pm Role play, processing, Q&A
6:00 pm-ish Optional dinner at a local restaurant

Can I come for part of the training?

We hate to be sticklers, but in order to promote productive dialogue and confidentiality, participants are required to fully participate on both days (no multitasking, arriving late, leaving early, taking calls, etc.).

Can a group of us attend together?

Definitely! It is great if a group of individuals from the same organization attend together.

Can I attend remotely?

Sorry, that is not currently possible. The trainings are very relational and dialogue focused. We feel remote participation would be less effective for the participant and it would create challenges in terms of live video streaming and confidentiality.

Can I advertise that I am a "certified coach" if I participate?

If you apply and join our coaching network and participate in a coach training. you can advertise that you are a "RJUC Level 1 Certified Coach." If you are a listed on our Coach Directory, a badge will be added to your listing.

Who will facilitate the training?

Members of the RJUC team and possibly experienced, outside experts. There are also a lot of opportunities for coaches to learn from one another during the training.