After serving with a campus ministry for nine years in the Middle East, New York City, and Columbus, Ohio, my wife and I founded Renew Partnerships, a ministry focused on helping Christians to have a biblical, effective approach to racial dynamics. Since that time (2005), our team has provided training, research, and coaching for thousands of Christians and hundreds of Christian organizations across the U.S. From 2018-2020, I directed a major national study of racial dynamics in U.S. Christianity in partnership with the Barna Group, lead researchers Drs. Glenn Bracey and Michael Emerson, and hundreds of experts (see Since 2018, I have helped to lead the Racial Justice and Unity Center (RJUC). I have enjoyed participating in a wide variety of projects related to racial dynamics including personal mentoring, coaching organizational leaders, designing and facilitating research, measuring racial climate in organizations, conducting focus groups, collaborative projects, and more.